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Cubic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a privately owned company headquartered in Rochester, Kent (UK).
Incorporated in England and Wales with company registration number 6612184.
Wholesale Dealer’s License Number : WL/33846.
VAT Number : GB 942752315


Cubic Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
UNIT 3 Sextant Park
Neptune Close, Medway City Estate
Kent, ME2 4LU

General Enquiries

If you have any questions or enquiry regarding Cubic Pharmaceuticals, unlicensed medicine, Special Obtains, NP8, contact us on the following numbers or by email:

Tel 01634 726 628
Fax 01634 560 095

Opening Hours

9am – 6pm : Monday – Friday
Excluding Public holidays

Cubic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a privately owned company headquartered in Rochester, Kent (UK).
Incorporated in England and Wales with company registration number 6612184.
Wholesale Dealer’s License Number : WL/33846.
VAT Number : GB 942752315
